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Quiz // 28

General Knowledge Quiz


Henry Cavendish Drawing Hydrogen Experiment Quiz

What is the most common element in the Universe?


This element, the first one in the Periodic Table, is by far the most common element in the Universe and naturally exists as a diatomic gas.

On the picture one can observe a drawing from Henry Cavendish, the British scientist credited with discovering this element in 1766.

lean drug

Which common drug is produced by mixing prescription cough or cold syrup with a soft drink?


This drug originated in Houston and is extensibly famous in the United States of America, mainly in the hip hop circle, featuring in many rap songs.

fidesz hungary viktor orban

Which European country is led by the political party Fidesz?


Fidesz in a Hungarian right-wing conservative political party which currently holds a majority in the Hungarian Parliament with 135 seats out of a total of 199, as well as the presidency. It is led by Viktor Orbán.

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future rapper mask off

Who sings Mask Off?


This American rapper, famous for his hip-hop and trap songs like Used To This and Mask Off, has won multiple awards (for instance a Grammy) as well as featured in the Billboard 200.

What official language of the United Nations is missing in the list?


Most of the official United Nations documents are translated to all these 6 languages in order to effectively enable their comprehension across the globe.

resistor symbol quiz

What is the name of this electrical circuit component?


This component can be characterized by its electrical resistance, measured in ohms and symbolized by the capital omega symbol (Ω).

All Quiet on the Western Front book

Who was the writer of "All Quiet on the Western Front"?

Erich Maria Remarque.

Published in 1929 with the original title “Im Westen nichts Neues“, this book is based in the author’s experience in the World War 1. 

One year later, the book would be adapted to a movie with the same name, being later recognized with an Academy Award.

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Stuart Mill Quiz

To what branch of Philosophy can you associate Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham?


According to this school of ethics, the positiveness of an action is directly affected by the number of individuals targeted, and the degree of happiness caused.

On the picture one can observe the portrait of John Stuart Mill, the author of utilitarian books like “On Liberty” and “Utilitarianism”.

mount rushmore

Who are the four Presidents sculpted in Mount Rushmore?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

This 18m tall sculpture done between 1927 and 1941 by John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum and his son features 4 of Americas most famous presidents. It is said to represent Americas birth (Washington), growth (Jefferson), development (Roosevelt) and preservation (Lincoln). Mount Rushmore is located in the Black Hills, South Dakota and draws over 2 million visitors every year.

To which historical figure is this quote attributed?

Click on it to find out the answer!

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Sun Tzu (544 B.C. - 496 B.C.)

This personality was a Chinese military general and philosopher, extensively famous for his treatise The Art of War, an influential work that influenced the military landscape for centuries. Sun Tzu is revered as one of the most influential military figures of all time.

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